Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Snow is just around the corner!

You got all the right gear, but are you really ready for the slopes? Don't forgo a crucial element of your pre ski season prep! 
Check out a few of my bonus tips, right here.  

Snow is just around the corner!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Tailgate like Kate!

There is no good reason not to look great just because you are socializing behind a tailgate. None at all, right Kate? If the sporty model finds herself pining for a good ole fashion college football pregame party, she should check out my article on which schools are the best in the business of tailgating. Read here.

Tailgate like Kate!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fantasy Football Season!

In 2011, I started an all girls fantasy football league strictly out of curiosity. This is now the 3rd year of Femme Fantasy Football, a 10 team league made up of sultry sports enthusiast, who each have a sweet spot for fierce competition. This season, it's anyone's game and each week is a gamble. I have to admit, it's a shameless obsession of mine. So of course I want to spread the joy of the game! Check out the blog post I wrote for, about all the great perks fantasy football has to offer! Read Here.
It's Football Season